Friday 11 September 2015

News from the Library

Over the Summer, the staff in the Library & Shop have been very busy making a number of improvements to the services available.

Super-fast, Super-smooth, Library laptops available to use in the Library (4 hour loans).

The Library has 20 Laptops available for use in the Library. Over the summer, these Laptops have
had their Hard Drives upgraded, making them infinitely faster. The Laptops have wireless access to the College network, and can be used for on-line searches in addition to working on documents.  Each Laptop has the normal Microsoft Office Suite and Adobe programmes loaded, as well as the Google Search Engine.  Printing can also be done from a Library Laptop. Just select the Follow Me Print option.

To borrow a Laptop (for use in the Library only) please ask at the Library Counter. You will need your Student Card. The Laptop will be issued to you for 4 hours. One word of warning though! You cannot save your work to the laptop. You will need to either save work to a memory stick or to your Google Docs folder in your Google Account. 

A selection of Memory sticks are available from the College Shop which is located just inside the Library and which sells, along with memory sticks a wide selection of Art & Craft Materials at very competitive prices.  


There are two Printer/Scanners within the Library. The first is just outside the Mac Suite (0.9), and the second in the Mac Suite, at the back of the room.

Print Credit needs to be paid for in the shop, with the receipt then taken to the IT Help Desk, who will credit your Student card.

Printing costs
A4 (Per sheet)                                 A3 (Per sheet)
B/W 2 pence                                   B/W 4 pence
Colour 5 pence                                Colour 10 pence

Remember that you can scan documents direct to your 
GOOGLE Drive at no cost.

Library Hours

During Term Time the Library (& Mac Suite) is open from 8.30am every morning, Monday to Thursday until 8pm. On Fridays the Library (& Mac Suite) is open from 8.30am until 4.30.
From the 19th of September the Library is open from 10am until 1pm on Saturdays.

During Holiday periods the Library operates on slightly reduced hours:  8.30 – 5 Monday to Thursday and 8.30 – 4.30 on Friday. The Library is not open on Saturday.

Library Study Areas

There are 40 Library Study spaces spread throughout the Library. In addition there is a quiet study room (0.8) within the Library, which is located next door but one to the Mac Suite, and provides a further 25 study spaces. The study room is an integral part of the Library, and can only be booked by staff for closed off access under exceptional circumstances.

In addition to the study spaces, we have 9 soft seating pods, which can be moved together for collaborative study, or placed in a cosy corner for individual contemplative reading.  There is also relaxed seating at the back of the Library for up to 6.
Library Books and Journals can also be taken into the Mac Suite, which has seating for 40, to be used in conjunction with on-line/ Mac based work.

Off Air Recording
The Library provides a service to make available off-air recordings for addition to library stock. Recordings can only be made of programmes covered either by licence or by the Copyright, Design and Patents Act.
To make a request for an off-air recording please e-mail the Library or ask at the Library Counter. Please give as much notice as possible to ensure that the recording has been registered as required. The minimum requirement is 24 hours before the programme is due to be aired.

New On the Library Webpage

The Journal Collection
There is now a new colourful page on the Library Website, which lists all the Journals which we currently subscribe to or have on-line access to.

To locate this listing from the Library Home Page, click on the Our Collections Tab and then the Journals option.

Better Bibliographic Records means easier searching

The Library is currently in the process of updating the bibliographic records of its resources. Where possible a summary of the item is given, which means that a better feel for how relevant the item will be for you.  The up-dating of these records, which is an on-going project, should be especially helpful when carrying out Keyword Searching.  

Get in Touch!!!

If you have any questions about the Library or Shop, please do not hesitate to contact us at . You can also follow our Twitter Account PCA Library and Shop @pcalibrary&shop