Wednesday 29 June 2016

On-Line Resources and how to Use them: JSTOR - Available via the PCA Library Website

JStor for your Academic Research Needs

JSTOR is a searchable archive of over a thousand leading academic journals across the arts, humanities and social sciences (reproduced in digital facsimile as originally designed, printed and illustrated) complementing research in core disciplines such as history, political science, sociology, art and art history, and language and literature. 

This guide will take you through searching JSTOR.  It offers an archive of the full text of an increasingly wide range of journals. It does not provide access to the most current issues.

It is possible to search every article in the collection, using keywords.  This will automatically search all types of journal content (articles, editorials, reviews etc.)
Click on SEARCH
In the search box type in the search terms you are looking  for. 
Then click on the Search button.

HINT: A search word or phrase can be typed in upper or lower case; common words such as ‚at‛ or‚ in‛ will be ignored. 

Search results
Your search results are listed with the most relevant items appearing first (those in which your search term occurred most frequently).  

You can use the pick-list at the top of the results list to sort your results in other ways

Select your preferred choice then click on the Go button.  Scroll down the page to view the list of results.

The title and author of the article are displayed, as well as details about where the article appeared (including journal title, volume, part, year and the page numbers), for example:

Click on the title of the article (red link) to view more details and the full-text (use the blue arrows to move from page to page).
Click on the name of the author (grey link) to see other articles by that author. Click on Item Information (grey link) to view brief bibliographic details.
Click on the Page of First Match (grey link) to view the page of the article where your search term first appears.
Click on PDF to view the article in Adobe Reader (this is a more reader-friendly format, and allows you to print or save the full-text article – see below)
To conduct a new search use the Search box that appears at the top of the screen.

HINT: You can return to the basic Search screen at any time during your JSTOR session by clicking  on the Search link in the menu-bar at the top of the screen.

Printing full-text articles
To Print the full-text of your results:
1.  Go to the Search Results list.
2.  Click on the grey PDF link for the article. It will open in a new browser window.
3.   Click on the Printer icon on the Adobe toolbar  

Saving full-text  articles
To Save a full-text article, simply follow the steps above and click on the Save link instead of the Print link.
Choose where you want to save the article, and then click to save it as an Adobe document.

Search tips
Search operators
There are three basic search operators - these allow you to combine your search words in different ways to narrow or broaden your search. The operators are:
AND     - use to combine different concepts, eg
Costume and Shakespeare
OR       - use to include synonyms in your search, eg
Artist or Painter
NOT      - use to exclude words from your search, eg
Photography not digital
Searching for different word endings and alternative spellings
Use the wildcard symbol ? to substitute for 0 or 1 character in the middle or at the end of a word. This is particularly useful for covering English and American spelling and for some plurals eg wom?n retrieves both women and woman.

You can use multiple ? to match more than one letter for example bird??? will retrieve all words up to seven letters long that start bird including bird, birds and birdman.

Use the ampersand & to search for the plural forms of a word. The search engine will add
s’s, es’s, double z’s and  s’s, change y to ies and  f to v where applicable  eg

box& retrieves both box and boxes quiz& retrieves both quiz and quizzes knife& retrieves both knife and knives

Limiting searches
The Advanced Search option allows you to be more specific about your search terms and the journals that you wish to search. The Advanced Option link appears under the Main Search box.

Type your search terms into the appropriate boxes and click on the Search button, for example:-

This search would find you articles on Photoshop and CC but not CS3.

The drop-down menu allows you to search for key words within the article (full- text) or item title, as well as for a particular author.
Scroll down the Advanced Search page to view more options to narrow your search.

Specify the type of material that you want to search for by clicking  in the appropriate boxes
Limit the date range you want to search by typing dates into the appropriate boxes
You can also select a specific journal to search, either by typing the name of the journal into the box provided or by using the list at the bottom of the page. Click on the red arrow sign next to a subject area to expand it and then select the required journal from the list that appears by clicking in the corresponding box. It is possible to select multiple titles in this way. There is also an option to limit by language.

TIP If you click in the box next to the subject area it will select all the journals in that subject area.
If you do not select any Fields, Types, Dates or Journals then it will search all the content of all the journals in the database.

If the article you require does not have either of these options it is not available in full text on JStor.  However, it may be available in print form, please check the Library’s Journal Page for a full listing of Journals we take and what the holdings are. Alternatively please ask at the Library Counter or email us at and we will do our best to locate a copy for you.

Finishing your search
Logout if you have a JSTOR account. Close your internet browser. You will also need to close the other browser windows that opened when you logged onto the database.

To access JSTOR from outside the PCA Network, you can log on via the Library Webpage

Click on the Link for Databases available through the Library. Page down until you come to the link for JStor. Click on the Link. You will then be presented with the JStor Search Screen and you can start your search.
Search Google for JStor and select the JStor website from the list.
1. Click on Login button upper right
2. Either scroll through the list of colleges and universities until you find Plymouth College of Art OR search for Plymouth College of Art.
3. Select Plymouth College of Art
4. You will be asked for a username and password. The username is your college username and the password is the password that you use for that account.

If you need any help accessing JStor please ask at the Library Counter for help.

Thursday 16 June 2016

On-Line Resources and how to Use them: ARTSOURCE - Available via the PCA Library Website

The Unmatched Full-Text Resource for Art and Architecture Research

This art research database covers a broad range of subjects from fine, decorative and commercial art, to various areas of architecture and architectural design. It features full-text articles, indexing and abstracts for an array of journals, books and more. Providing over 600 full-text journals, more than 220 full-text books, and a collection of over 63,0000 images, it is designed for use by a diverse audience, including art scholars, artists, designers, students and general researchers.

Content Includes:

·         More than 760 full-text journals
·         More than 220 full-text books
·         Detailed indexing and abstracts for many leading academic journals, magazines and trade publications
·         A collection of over 63,000 images provided by Picture Desk and other sources
·         Strong international coverage, including periodicals published in French, Italian, German, Spanish and Dutch
·         Art reproduction records. Coverage dating back to 1928


Subjects Include:

·         Advertising art        Antiques    
·         Architecture and architectural history
·         Art history                  Contemporary art
·         Costume design 
·         Decorative arts     Folk art
·         Graphic arts              Industrial design
·         Interior design        
      Landscape architecture
·         Motion pictures          Museology
·         Non-western art        Painting
·         Photography                  Pottery
·         Printmaking                    Sculpture
·         Television                          Textiles          

Finding Journal Articles through ArtSource
Start by thinking about what you want to search for and coming up with some keywords and phrases to describe it. Then simply enter your terms in the search boxes at the top of the screen and click search to get a list of results.
 If you want to use more than one row then you must remember to pick from the AND drop down menu to the left of the search boxes. This gives you the choice of AND, OR, and NOT.

  • AND – narrows down the results. All connected terms must be included in the results.
  • OR – broadens out the results. Either connected term can be included in the results.
  • NOT – narrows down the results. The second term must be excluded from the results.

Of course you can also type the connecting words e.g. "AND" directly into the search box.

Finally if you would like to look for a phrase make sure to include it in "quotation marks" as this will ensure the terms appear together rather than being split up. For example:

The Select a field drop down menu has several options. The default i.e. Select a Field (optional) covers all the main record fields and is the best option to pick but if you want to you can use options like title and abstract. For example:
 To find out more about picking your search terms, using the search techniques and creating a search strategy see the search strategy section.

Narrowing Down your Search

Once you have done your initial search you can then use the options on the left of the screen under Refine Results to narrow down your search.
You may wish to slide across the bar under Publication Date to limit your results to those from a particular time period.
Further down this section you may find options to narrow your search by:
  • source (type of material)
  • subjects
  • publisher
  • language
Please note that a limit once applied stays in place until you click to remove it.

Getting the Full Text

After doing a search you are taken to the results page and on the main results page for each article you are told:
Article title, Authors, Journal name, Date, Volume and issue, Page numbers, Start of an abstract (description of the article), Subjects
And to find out more about any article you can click on the title to go to a more detailed record.
When you find an article that looks useful the first thing to check for is a full text link such as a PDF full text link or a HTML full text link:
If available simply click to open the article and once the article is open you can then choose to download, print or email the article.
If the article you require does not have either of these options it is not available in full text on Art Source.  However, it may be available in print form, please check the Library’s Journal Page for a full listing of Journals we take and what the holdings are. Alternatively please ask at the Library Counter or email us at and we will do our best to locate a copy for you.
To access ArtSource, go to the Library Website and click on the E-Resources Tab at the top of the page, and select Databases available through the Library.

 Page down until to come to the link for ArtSource. 

Click on the Link

You will then be presented with the ArtSource Search Screen and you can start your search.


Tuesday 7 June 2016

Access to on-line content through The Library Webpage

Over the last few months the library has been trying to improve the On-line content that students have access to.
So far we have improved the presentation of the journals page. 

From this page you can see the Library's journal holdings, it also includes links to the Journal's Website, and if available access to the on-line version of the journal. Don't forget that you can get access to many many more full text Journal articles through the Library's Art Databases - just ask at the Library Counter for more information.

Then we improved access to previous students dissertations.

So you want to have a look at a PCA Dissertation - can the Library help?
This is the animation page, each degree has it's own page, if you are interested in looking at a cross topic subject. All of the dissertations here have achieved the highest grades within that year group, all of them achieved a first for their dissertation. Please be aware that you are not permitted to copy or print these dissertations. If you would rather we have printed copies of some of the dissertations within the library. 
Most recently, we have finished working on the reading lists, listed by module. This reading list had been collated from the Definitive Module Records as well as lectures. We hope you find this relevant and useful in your studies. Animation is the first course to have this treatment, so we would value any feedback  you have. 

Friday 3 June 2016


On the 10th June, all items need to be returned to the library. This is to allow for the smooth migration of information from the current Library Management System (LMS) to the brand spanking all singing all dancing New Library Management System. 

As on Monday 13th June the library will be changing the management system- essentially the system that makes the library work. It's the system that has a record of everyone who borrows from the library as well as the items within the library. 

This means that from 13th- 17th June, the library will not be lending items. This will give the library team a week to migrate the information to the new system and learn how to use it. 

After long consideration we have decided to change the system, having been using the original system for over 15 years. With the new system we should have more control and flexibility over how we can use it. For example library staff will be able to see, when requested what items students have borrowed- currently this is not a facility we have on offer. 

We are also hoping that the new system will also allow us to send you a curtsey e-mail 2 days prior to your loan items going over-due, thereby allowing you to avoid Library fines for overdue books. Fingers crossed that this is possible.

We will be open again as usual on the 20th June for normal service, however during the week of the 13th - 17th the Library will be open for Reference only, with limited assistance from Library Staff available. 

The Library team are grateful for your patience and understanding during this time.