Thursday 16 June 2016

On-Line Resources and how to Use them: ARTSOURCE - Available via the PCA Library Website

The Unmatched Full-Text Resource for Art and Architecture Research

This art research database covers a broad range of subjects from fine, decorative and commercial art, to various areas of architecture and architectural design. It features full-text articles, indexing and abstracts for an array of journals, books and more. Providing over 600 full-text journals, more than 220 full-text books, and a collection of over 63,0000 images, it is designed for use by a diverse audience, including art scholars, artists, designers, students and general researchers.

Content Includes:

·         More than 760 full-text journals
·         More than 220 full-text books
·         Detailed indexing and abstracts for many leading academic journals, magazines and trade publications
·         A collection of over 63,000 images provided by Picture Desk and other sources
·         Strong international coverage, including periodicals published in French, Italian, German, Spanish and Dutch
·         Art reproduction records. Coverage dating back to 1928


Subjects Include:

·         Advertising art        Antiques    
·         Architecture and architectural history
·         Art history                  Contemporary art
·         Costume design 
·         Decorative arts     Folk art
·         Graphic arts              Industrial design
·         Interior design        
      Landscape architecture
·         Motion pictures          Museology
·         Non-western art        Painting
·         Photography                  Pottery
·         Printmaking                    Sculpture
·         Television                          Textiles          

Finding Journal Articles through ArtSource
Start by thinking about what you want to search for and coming up with some keywords and phrases to describe it. Then simply enter your terms in the search boxes at the top of the screen and click search to get a list of results.
 If you want to use more than one row then you must remember to pick from the AND drop down menu to the left of the search boxes. This gives you the choice of AND, OR, and NOT.

  • AND – narrows down the results. All connected terms must be included in the results.
  • OR – broadens out the results. Either connected term can be included in the results.
  • NOT – narrows down the results. The second term must be excluded from the results.

Of course you can also type the connecting words e.g. "AND" directly into the search box.

Finally if you would like to look for a phrase make sure to include it in "quotation marks" as this will ensure the terms appear together rather than being split up. For example:

The Select a field drop down menu has several options. The default i.e. Select a Field (optional) covers all the main record fields and is the best option to pick but if you want to you can use options like title and abstract. For example:
 To find out more about picking your search terms, using the search techniques and creating a search strategy see the search strategy section.

Narrowing Down your Search

Once you have done your initial search you can then use the options on the left of the screen under Refine Results to narrow down your search.
You may wish to slide across the bar under Publication Date to limit your results to those from a particular time period.
Further down this section you may find options to narrow your search by:
  • source (type of material)
  • subjects
  • publisher
  • language
Please note that a limit once applied stays in place until you click to remove it.

Getting the Full Text

After doing a search you are taken to the results page and on the main results page for each article you are told:
Article title, Authors, Journal name, Date, Volume and issue, Page numbers, Start of an abstract (description of the article), Subjects
And to find out more about any article you can click on the title to go to a more detailed record.
When you find an article that looks useful the first thing to check for is a full text link such as a PDF full text link or a HTML full text link:
If available simply click to open the article and once the article is open you can then choose to download, print or email the article.
If the article you require does not have either of these options it is not available in full text on Art Source.  However, it may be available in print form, please check the Library’s Journal Page for a full listing of Journals we take and what the holdings are. Alternatively please ask at the Library Counter or email us at and we will do our best to locate a copy for you.
To access ArtSource, go to the Library Website and click on the E-Resources Tab at the top of the page, and select Databases available through the Library.

 Page down until to come to the link for ArtSource. 

Click on the Link

You will then be presented with the ArtSource Search Screen and you can start your search.


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