Friday 12 July 2013

Here come the holidays... .

As today marks the official end of term this will be the last post of this academic year. We will be taking a break from blogging over the summer to concentrate on preparing the Library for the first intake of new students in August. Despite the, expected, heat, we will be rearranging the stock to accommodate some of the ERC’s print finishing equipment so if you can’t find something get in touch.

We will also be developing two new services for staff:
  • As we wrote in May, RSS feeds from the Library blog can now be added to your course pages on Moodle so that your students can be kept up to date on new Library stock and services in their subject area. If you would like to add this service to your course page/s email: The feed will be added by the end of the day the request is made. To see an example visit one of the photography course pages.
    • The Library now has a subscription to Sky and from the end of the month will be responsible for off air recording in the College, having just received the equipment from the ERC. This means we can record programmes from Freeview and satellite channels – but not iPlayer or its independent equivalents, as they are not covered by our licence. So, if you would like a programme recorded to use when teaching or would like us to add a programme relevant to your subject area to our DVD collection let us know – always remembering that although programmes are frequently repeated it is better if you make your request as much in advance as possible. If you have any questions or would like to make a request email:
    We are constantly reviewing our procedures so if you have any suggestions on how we can improve, or criticisms of, our services, let us know. Either leave a comment or email:

    Photo: RB
    With this is mind here are some 
    comments on the Library from a 
    recent visitor who visits and blogs 
    about bookshops and libraries in 
    the South West and beyond:
    The Library File. Do you 
    agree? Let us know. We can only 
    improve our services if you tell us 
    what we’re doing right, or, of course, wrong.

    Friday 5 July 2013

    'You'll like this; not a lot, but you'll like it' - new titles on magic and the mysterious... .

    Click on the title and, as if by magic, you can see whether or not the item is available:

    From: Hopkins' Magic stage illusions and scientific diversions

    Hopkins, Albert A. (1897) Magic stage illusions and scientific diversions including trick photography. - Facsimile of edition published: New York : Munn & Co, 1901.

    Jay, Ricky. (1987) Learned pigs and fireproof women. London: Robert Hale.

    Jay, Ricky. (2003) Dice : deception, fate and rotten luck. London: W.W. Norton.  

    Mangan, Michael. (2007) Performing dark arts : a cultural history of conjuring. Bristol: Intellect.

    New on art education

    Harrison, Charles. (2001) Conceptual art and painting : further essays on art and language. London: MIT Press.

    Katz, Vincent., (ed). (2013) Black Mountain College : experiment in art. London: MIT Press.  

    Petersen, Anne Ring. (2010) Contemporary painting in context. Copenhagen. Museum Tusculanum, University of Copenhagen.

    As ever, click on the title to check on the availability of an item. 

    Wednesday 3 July 2013