Friday 4 October 2013

Documents of contemporary art - new(ish) titles in the series recently received

"The Documents of Contemporary Art are a series of anthologies co-published by Whitechapel Gallery and The MIT Press which document major themes and ideas in contemporary art. Edited and introduced by a scholar, artist, critic or curator, each of these sourcebooks provides access to a plurality of voices and perspectives on a specific subject or body of writing that has been of key influence to contemporary art internationally." - More information on the series is available from the Whitechapel Gallery website - to see which titles in the series we have on the shelves click here:

Farr, Ian., (ed). (2012) Memory. London : Cambridge, Mass.: Whitechapel Gallery ; MIT Press.

Kelly, Caleb., (ed). (2012) Sound. London : Cambridge, Mass.: Whitechapel Gallery ; MIT Press.

Lepecki, Andre., (ed). (2011) Dance. London : Cambridge, Mass.: Whitechapel Gallery ; MIT Press.

Lind, Maria., (ed). (2013) Abstraction. London : Cambridge, Mass.: Whitechapel Gallery ; MIT Press.

Stallabrass, Julian., (ed). (2013) Documentary. London : Cambridge, Mass.: Whitechapel Gallery ; MIT Press.

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