Friday 9 May 2014

'Philosophy' : recent (ish) acquisitions related to critical thought

Foucault, Michel. (1998) The will to knowledge : the history of sexuality volume 1. London: Penguin.

Foucault, Michel. (1992) The use of pleasure : the history of sexuality volume 2. London: Penguin.

Foucault, Michel. (1990) The care of the self : the history of sexuality volume 3. London: Penguin.

Ling, Alex (2013) Badiou and cinema. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press

Nietzsche, Friedrich. (2008) Man alone with himself. London : Penguin.

Sartre, Jean-Paul. (2003) Being and nothingness : an essay on phenomenological ontology. London: Routledge.

Zizek, Slavoj. (2008) Enjoy your sympton! : Jacques Lacan in Hollywood and out. London: Routledge.

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