Friday 8 August 2014

Library and Shop.. the latest news

With only weeks before the new academic term starts the shop and library are still being completed. For the last week or so the majority of the work that has been happening has been to do with the cables, so nothing actually looks different. But with the electrics and WiFi being sorted, the room will start to take shape. There is definitely a more polished look about the rooms, with fresh plaster and a coat of paint. Considering the amount of work that needed to be done, it's looking great. Converting 4-5 rooms and a corridor in to one has been an impressive journey.

The general timeline should be:
18th August- room completed and the shelving being installed.
20th August- Books and resources return to the library and a team of library elves put these on the shelves ready for students.
28th August- first FE inductions are scheduled for the library.

As you can see the timetable is pretty tight but hopefully we should be ready on time.

As for the shop, the shelving is being installed over the next few days, then there is the fun task of ordering more stock to fill the shelves, ready to sell on the 28th.

At the same time as all of this happening the Mac suite is being created with the same deadline.

No pictures this time, but I will ensure to include some on my next post as the count down begins.

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