Wednesday 20 January 2016

Crowd Funding for Artists

1.    the practice of funding a project or venture by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the Internet.
"musicians, filmmakers, and artists have successfully raised funds and fostered awareness through crowdfunding"

The Library recently purchased a copy of Wonderland by Kirsty Mitchell.

The highly anticipated photo book of the award-winning 'Wonderland' series, by British fine art photographer Kirsty Mitchell.

In addition to being a beautiful book which crosses over a number of disciplines; Photography, Fashion, Illustration & Costume Design to name but four; the whole concept of the book and it’s production is interesting, because it was crowdfunded by Kickstarter. (The Wonderland Book is currently the No.1 most funded Photobook on Kickstarter.)

This led me to wonder about the whole Crowd Funding Phenomenon and if it was something which art practitioners would find useful to learn about and I found details of a free online course, which I thought would be of interest.  

“Crowdfundingfor Artists” is running a live online training which you can join for free from the comfort of your own computer.
 The Course is called : Get The Money You Need To Create Art Work With Tal Jakubowiczova, the Crowdfunding Artist

The training will cover:
§  What other two major things you can get from crowdfunding apart from money.
§  Why crowdfunding is one of the best things (if not THE best) you can do in your art career at the moment
§  6 mistakes artists make in their crowdfunding videos (and how to avoid them)
§  The main reason that people will give you money for your project
§  Questions & Answers

You can find further details HERE

For more information about the Wonderland Book, including more stunning images, Kirsty Mitchell's Website is HERE

Images taken from the Library's copy of Wonderland by Kirsty Mitchell

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