Wednesday 29 April 2015

Go on ! be a Artist with a Camera

Post-photography : the artist with a camera

779.22 SHO

The real world is full of cameras; the virtual world is full of images. Where does all this photographic activity leave the artist-photographer? Post-Photography tries to answer that question by investigating the exciting new language of photographic image-making that is emerging in the digital age of anything-ispossible and everything-has-been-done-before. Found imagery has become increasingly important in post-photographic practice, with the internet serving as a laboratory for a major kind of imagemaking experimentation. But artists also continue to create entirely original works using avant-garde techniques drawn from both the digital and analogue eras. This book is split into five sections Something Borrowed, Something New; Layers of Reality; All the World Is Staged; Hand and Eye; and Post- Photojournalism which cover the key strategies adopted by 53 of the most exciting and innovative international artist-photographers of the 21st century.

 Photographers include: Leonce Raphael Agbodjelou, Martina Bacigalupo, Olivo Barbieri, Valeŕie Belin, Nicole Belle, David Birkin, Julia Borissova, Aliki Braine, Olaf Breuning, Jonny Briggs, Adam Broomberg and Oliver Chanarin, Joaõ Castilho, Caleb Charland, John Chervinsky, Julie Cockburn, Laurence Demaison, Daniel Eskenazi, Brendan Fowler, Shadi Ghadirian, Charles Grogg, Alejandro Guijarro, Rune Guneriussen, Hisaji Hara, Mishka Henner, Dan Holdsworth, Scarlett Hooft Graafland, Erik Johansson, Brandon Juhasz, Steffi Klenz, Jonathan Lewis, Benjamin Lowy, Cristina De Middel, Richard Mosse, Angelo Musco, Sohei Nishino, Chen Nong, Jorma Puranen, Roman Pyatkovka, Jae Yong Rhee, Christy Lee Rogers, Joachim Schmid, Andreas Schmidt, Chloe Sells, Noé Sendas, Berndnaut Smilde, Dafna Talmor, David Thomas Smith, Eva Stenram, Clement Valla, Torsten Warmuth, Michael Wolf, Yang Yi, Yang Yongliang.

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