Thursday 15 September 2016

New Books on Painting and other news from the Library


In response to recent developments in pictorial practice and critical discourse, 'Painting beyond itself' seeks to historicize and propose new approaches to the question of the medium. Reaching back to the earliest theoretical and institutional definition of painting as a medium in the Renaissance and eighteenth century, this book, based on two conferences (one at Harvard University and the other in Berlin), focuses on the changing role of the medium in establishing painting as the privileged practice, discourse, and institution of modernity.

This is not your staid, buttoned-up painting course! Instead, popular teacher and artist Alena Hennessy takes an open, unintimidating approach, encouraging beginners to play, experiment, and discover their own personal style. She offers simple step-by-step instructions, tips on tools and materials, and 50 beautifully illustrated creativity prompts - from Working in Circles and Repetition to Wash and Drip and Layering-to spark readers' imaginations. If you're seeking to add new skills to your creative repertoire, while also working in a more intuitive way, The Painting Workbook will help you gain the inspiration and knowledge! 

A beautifully written concise discussion on the nature of making and reflecting on Art today. Essential reading for anyone interested in Art.

Features more than 500 paintings from many of the best figurative artists active over the past quarter century, including Jonathan Yeo, Stuart Pearson Wright, Paul Emsley, Annabel Cullen and Ishbel Myerscough. This book is suitable for anyone interested in the history of the Award and its impact on the status of portraiture in the UK, and more.

Adopt a spontaneous, bold, and fearless approach to painting as a process of discovery-one that results in lush and colourful finished works that will beg to be displayed. This inspiring and encouraging book for both novice and experienced painters teaches how to create colourful, exciting, expressive paintings through a variety of techniques, combining basic, practical painting principles with innovative personal self-expression. Flora S. Bowley's fun and forgiving approach to painting is based on the notion that "You don't begin with a preconceived painting in mind; you allow the painting to unfold." Illustrating how to work in layers, Flora gives you the freedom to cover up, re-start, wipe away, and change courses many times along the way. Unexpected and unique compositions, color combinations, and subject matter appear as you allow your paintings to emerge in an organic, unplanned way while working from a place of curiosity and letting go of fear. 

Click HERE to explore the new look Library catalogue and search for more books on Painting 


The Library has been very busy over the summer installing a New Library Management System. This has allowed the Library to re-look at some of its policies in the hope to improve its services to users.

All students are now entitled to borrow up to 10 items at any one time. In addition Headphones, Laptops and Visual Rulers are available to borrow (For use in the Library only).

2 days prior to the item being due back to the library you will receive an email. This is to remind you about your items on loan and that you need to return the items or renew them. If you would like to keep using them, please click on the blue web-link in the e-mail. This will take you straight to your Library account where you can click on a renew button to extend the date on your library loans. You can do this up to five times before you have to physically bring to item into the Library to renew. 

From your Library Account page you can also search the Library catalogue.  Hopefully the new e-mail alert system will help you avoid overdue Library Fines

If you need help logging into your Library account, searching the Library Catalogue or reserving books please ask at the Library counter; and we will be happy to help.  Equally if you need help in accessing the Library’s databases please just ask.

The Library’s space has been slightly re-organised, in addition to the main Library there are now two quiet study rooms; one is for complete silent study and the other is for quiet study, where quiet conversation will be allowed.

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