Wednesday 14 September 2016

News from the Library and New Books with Animation and Film Students in mind

The Library has been very busy over the summer installing a New Library Management System. This has allowed the Library to re-look at some of its policies in the hope to improve its services to users.

All students are now entitled to borrow up to 10 items at any one time. In addition, you can also borrow Headphones, Laptops & Visual Rulers to use in the Library.

2 days prior to the item being due back to the library you will receive an email. This is to remind you about your items on loan and that you need to return the items or renew them. If you would like to keep using them, please click on the blue web-link. This will take you straight to your Library account where you can click on a renew button to renew your library loans. You can do this up to five times before you have to physically bring to item into the Library to renew. From your Library Account page you can also search the Library catalogue.  Hopefully the new e-mail alert system will help you avoid overdue Library Fines

If you need help logging into your Library account, searching the Library Catalogue or reserving books please ask at the Library counter; and we will be happy to help.  Equally if you need help in accessing the Library’s databases please just ask.

The Library’s space has been slightly re-organised, in addition to the main Library there are now two quiet study rooms; one is for complete silent study and the other is for quiet study, where quiet conversation will be allowed.

Click HERE to explore the new look Library catalogue.


This revised edition offers detailed budget formats and sample budgets for more than 18 different kinds of productions - from film and tape documentaries to music videos, industrials and a $5 million feature film - along with information such as a master list of line items, which lists just about everything that could possibly be put into a production. Also included is a new chapter on setting up a production company, a new chapter on pre-production which includes such subjects as clip and music clearance, crew negotiations and casting.

Viral Marketing: The Science of Sharing is not your typical 'how to get shared' book. It would be nice to believe that viral success is as easy as being sneezed on. Those who spend a marketing dollar relish the possibility that the brave new world has brought brave new rules and the tantalising potential for a free ride. After applying scientific method and rigorous research to the topic, Nelson-Field says, "Wake up and smell the well-branded coffee". Using original research from more than 2 years of work, 5 different data sets, around 1000 videos, 9 individual studies and a large team of researchers from the Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science, Viral Marketing offers solid advice on the nebulous business of video sharing. Dr Nelson-Field reports new knowledge on sharing, memory and the influence of creative devices. Viral Marketing suggests that contrary to current trends, the old scientific laws of buyer behaviour and advertising still apply to social media. Marketers who have read How Brands Grow will find the key research that underpins this new work familiar. Nelson-Field's research builds on the science behind brands and buying. This is a must read book for anyone working in the social media space. Read it before you strap those roller skates onto a kitten, it might just save you some time, money and credibility. Watch Karen Nelson-Field talk about her research on how emotions drive video sharing. 

This new edition covers the history of avante-garde film and video, ranging from Cezanne and dada, via Cocteau, Brakhage and Le Grice, to the new wave of British video artists in the 1990s. The author also reconstitutes the avante-garde film as an independent form of art practice with its own internal logic and aesthetic discourse

Creating the next YouTube blockbuster is easier than you think! Includes more than 100 QR Codes linking to successful viral videos! "These guys are the viral experts, and they show you the way in clear, concise language. This is the first recipe for virality that I buy." (Kent Nichols, co-creator of viral phenomenon One Saturday morning in 2006, Stephen Voltz and Fritz Grobe dropped 500 Mentos mints into 100 bottles of Coke in front of a video camera. Their video went viral in a matter of hours, and before they knew it, David Letterman, Conan O'Brien, and NPR were calling. Since then, more than 100 million people have watched "The Extreme Diet Coke & Mentos Experiments". Why? Because Voltz and Grobe did everything right. Now, in "The Viral Video Manifesto", they explain how you can make a video guaranteed to pack a major punch by applying four core principles: Be True...Don't fake it. Make it real; Don't Waste My Time...Get down to business right away; Be Unforgettable...Show us something we've never seen before; and It's All About Humanity...An emotional connection is the key to sharing.

Traces the development of Disney animation, explains what made Disney's style unique, and features original sketches and drawings revealing the origins of Mickey Mouse and other Disney characters.

"The Illusion of Life 2" continues the first volume's pioneering work in the theory of animation. Covering a range of key topics, including post-WWII animation in Japan and the United States, computer animation, games, flight simulation and war, as well as issues of a general theoretical nature, the sixteen essays and introduction provide an abundance of new understandings, approaches, correctives, and challenges to scholars of animation as well as film.

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