Monday 2 March 2015

Library Resources for Film Students Part 1: The Books in Your Library

Film Books
Plymouth College of Art Library has an impressive collection of subject related Film books (approximately 2000 titles). The majority of Film books are shelved in the 791.43 section of the Library, although you may find related subject material in other areas of the Library.

The books have recently been re-catalogued with the majority of books now having brief summaries and in some cases content details, which allows for fuller Keyword searching. Please ask at the Library Counter if you need assistance with searching the Library Catalogue.

To assist you with browsing the Film Section Shelves, the following is a brief alphabetical subject guide to the collection, along with the corresponding Class Mark. If you need help in locating either a particular book or film related subject please ask at the Library Counter.

Action films, crime films and film noir  791.43655
Actors - (Arranged alphabetically by Actor's surname)791.4302809
Aesthetics of film791.4301
African Cinema791.430967
American Cinema791.430973
Asian cinema 791.43095
Audiences  302.2343
Australian cinema 791.430994
British Cinema791.430942
Canadian cinema 791.430971
Chinese cinema 791.430951
Cinematography techniques791.43 
Comedy films791.43617
Costume Design791.43026
Directing 791.430233
Directors  - (Arranged alphabetically by Director's surname)791.430233092
European Cinema791.43094
Experimental Film791.43611
Film - Types of Presentation791.433 
Film (general)791.43
Film acting791.43028
Film Adaptations791.437 
Film Art791.4301
Film awards791.43079
Film direction791.430233
Film directors   - (Arranged alphabetically by Director's surname)791.430233092
Film Documentary791.4353 
Film editing791.43
Film festivals791.43074
Film finance  791.430681
Film industry 384.8
Film music  791.43024
Film Noir791.43655
Film Reviews791.4375 
Film stars   (Anthologies)791.430280922
Film theory   791.4301
Filmmaking – technical aspects  791.43
French Cinema791.430944
Genre - Horror791.43616
Genre - Sci Fi791.43615
Genre (Types of)791.436
German cinema  791.430943
History of cinema  791.4309
History of Film791.4309
Hollywood cinema   791.430973
Homosexuality in motion pictures791.43653
Hong Kong Cinema791.4309513
Horror films  791.43616
Indian cinema   791.430954
Iranian cinema791.430955
Irish cinema  791.4309417
Italian cinema  791.430945
Japanese cinema  791.430952
Korean Cinema791.430952
Motion Pictures - Technical Aspects of making a film791.43
New Zealand cinema   791.430993
Realist films791.43612
Russian cinema  791.430947
Science fiction & fantasy films 791.43615
Scriptwriting 808.23
Set Design791.43028
Sexuality in Film791.436538
Sociology of film 302.2343
Sound Design791.43024
South American cinema  791.430972
Spanish Cinema791.430946
Special aspects of films791.436
Turkish cinema  791.4309561
Westerns  791.436278
Women in motion pictures791.4365204

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